
Your competitors and customers believe and improve in the area of digitization. The top league not only gains huge efficiencies but have monetized it by selling new digital services. I will support you to combine the “old” with the “new” world creating an eco-system for your customers and internal users. Specifically in supporting your digital strategy, creating new service products, establish connectivity and remote monitoring, as well as the needed infrastructure and organizational set up thus creating a startup atmosphere.

Business Models

Do they need to be disruptive? Not at all, but new ways of looking to the business create opportunities to improve customer loyalty and top & bottom line results. An outside view with benchmarking against the best will bring new impulse and dynamic to your business.  

Organizational setup
speed vs integration

Speed, startup style and attracting talent with one internal department or a special purpose company versus integration of small teams into the existing business units. I have the experience for your best decision.

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